Return Policy and Refunds
Returns will be accepted on all unopened products that are still in resaleable condition within 30 days. You will have to pay for all actual shipping fees to and from your location though, which can actually make up more than the cost of the product itself. We recommend that you don't buy anything that you purchase anything that you might want to return. Note: "Free Shipping" isn't actually free, you'll be refunded your order minus the shipping fees. This policy does not include products that are beyond the "Best Before" or "Expiry" date, or have been custom roasted (such as coffee and espresso), which can't be returned.
If your order is undeliverable due to an incorrect address you provided, incorrect email address, or your failure to pick-up if the package can not be delivered to your location, your order will be refunded (less the cost of shipping both ways) after we receive the shipment back at our location. If the order is for coffee, which is fresh roasted and not resaleable, you will not be refunded. If you provide an incorrect address, that is corrected en-route to your address, you will be charged CanadaPost's "Address Correction Fee".
Refunds can only be issued via the original payment method - credit card or Paypal. There is a 60 day technological limit on refunds, after which point we are blocked from issuing refunds. Any pending orders or refunds can only be issued as store credit after this period. Under no circumstances will BuyCoffeeCanada issue cash, cheques, direct deposits, email money transfers or other forms of payment. Problems with incorrect product on an order, or damage, must be reported within 7 days of the courier's indicated delivery date, regardless of whether you picked up on that date or not.
Our employees are valued and we guarantee a hostility-free workplace. They are given the autonomy to cancel or refuse customer orders who are rude or hostile, at their own discretion. Remember to be respectful and patient when contacting us via phone or email and we will reciprocate the courtesy and do our best to resolve any issues.